Dr. Steve & Paula Cook

Dr. Steve Cook has been in ministry over 30 years. He was saved at age 15 in Coal Grove, OH. After playing football at Marshall University, he began a career in teaching and coaching at Coal Grove High School. Steve married his high school sweetheart in 1975. He and Cosie have two daughters and five grandchildren. God called Steve to preach in 1993. He pastored at Zoar Baptist Church and Etna Baptist Church in Southern Ohio before God called him into Jewish missions. He is founder of Jewish Worldwide Mission Ministries, Inc., a worldwide ministry taking the Gospel to both the Jews and Gentiles. After the death of his wife, Cosie, in 2018, Steve married Paula Jenkins of Huntington, WV, in 2021. Steve and Paula currently serve the Lord across the USA and in several foreign countries. Paula is an accomplished singer, and God has used her to minister in song during their ministry travels worldwide.

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