by Fleta Mathews

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14)

Moving On Up was the theme song for a popular hit-comedy TV series some years ago.  The main characters, George and Louise Jefferson, were upwardly mobile.  They had worked long and hard to achieve the success that finally enabled them to move on up to the  more affluent east side of New York City.

At the beginning of this New Year are we also motivated to move on up the mountain of Holy living?  As the familiar old hymn Higher Ground asks, do we aspire to scale the utmost heights? Are we gaining new heights every day?  Do we seek and sincerely say, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground?”

Moving on up is a challenge that motivates many mountain climbers. I’ve been told by those who have tried it.  A European climber told of passing a certain grave along the trail to a famous peak. On the marker was a man’s name with this inscription – “He died climbing”.

What more of a memorial could we choose to describe our climb with our Creator?  Are we living in the lowlands because we lack courage, character and commitment to Christ for the climb?  Let us move onward and upward in our thinking and living – our goals and our giving — in this New Year.


Still UPWARD be our onward course
For this I pray today
Still UPWARD as the year goes by
And seasons pass away.
Still UPWARD in this dawning year
The trail is still untried
Still UPWARD may we travel on,
Our Savior as our guide
Still UPWARD though some trials come
And sorrows tear the heart
Still UPWARD may they draw our souls
With Christ to climb apart
Still UPWARD ‘til the day shall break
And shadows all have flown
Still UPWARD by our Father’s grace
The climb complete at home