by Dr. Glenn Mathews

PLEASE take the time to review the previous articles (archived) regarding thoughts.  To do so will enable you to be better focused to glean what you read in this final segment.

In the first article, I said that you can only have one thought at a time.  That is true, but according to Dallas Willard’s book THE RENOVATION OF THE HEART, you cannot have an isolated thought.  For, if thinking is the ability to make connections, then a single thought (one at a time) cannot be isolated, for it connects to other thoughts.

In this article, I want to give GOOD NEWS!  It is this: THOUGHT PATTERNS CAN BE CHANGED! The unsaved person can become a saved person.  A change of thought patterns is not achieved by self-reformation, neither by secular education, nor by environmental relocation, but by “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21).  Repentance, of course, involves a change of mind (thoughts).

Only God, who gave the will, can change it.  God surely does not do it capriciously.  He does not override your will (the expression of your thought patterns).  So, how are thought patterns changed? The elements involved are two:  God’s part and man’s part.  God has done his part.  He did it when he sent Christ into the world.  II Corinthians 5 clearly indicates that God was/is reconciled to man though/by the death of His Son.  Additionally, God is (present tense) seeking people to worship Him (John 4:23,24). How does God seek man?

He seeks through blessings on the life of an unbeliever.  It is “the goodness of God that leadeth a man to repentance” (Romans 2:4) The grace of God is extended to every man.  God seeks through saints who live the gospel and give a gospel witness.  God seeks through the proclamation of the scriptures.  “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. (Romans 10:17).  God seeks though the Spirit that convicts of “sin, and of righteous-ness, and of judgment: (John 16:8).It is the Spirit of God that calls to the sinner, and it is to the sinner’s thoughts that he calls.  In brief, that is how God has done and continues to do “His part” in the changing of thought patterns.

What is Man’s part?  There must be a recognition of God – his supremacy (who he is) and his righteousness (what he does).  He is the only one who can help.  He is the one to whom we are accountable.   In addition, there must be a recognition of one’s self – Finite, fallen, failing to successfully “change” by one’s own efforts.  These two will lead to the third, that of repentance toward God, as was stated above.  Repentance is “a change of mind, of thoughts, of thought patterns”.  When that occurs, then reception by faith, logically follows.  For whatever else faith “is”, it is acting upon what you believe.

These four steps then result in a response.  The newly born-again one lives IN Christ (position), and desires to live BY Christ (power), and for Christ (purpose).  So, how does a saved person “change” his thought patterns?   As he/she follows the Lord in believers’ baptism as he/she unites with a Bible believing church, is led by the Holy Spirit, as taught by the Word, is disciple by others, a desire is born within the heart.  That desire is the result
of thinking.  Before our new birth, “self” was at the center of our life.  After our salvation, we begin (though the means listed above) to THINK OF OURSELVES IN HIM.  Indeed, we think our ourselves as being HIS.  Because we think this way, we choose (will) to grow (II Corinthians 3:18; 10:5; II Peter 3:18)

We choose (will) to “Surrender to the Lordship of Christ” – daily updating that decision of surrender. Learn obedience – through the study of the Word, through the fellowship with the Saints, and though the convicting Holy Spirit when we are not obedient; Through focusing on the person and work of Christ. Hebrews 12:1-2

Over the years I have learned (am learning) that success in Christian living is a matter of Focus, Balance and Timing.  We will look at those words in a later article.  For now, this is my prayer for each of us:  “Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, bring us to the place where our thoughts reflect your thoughts, our will reflects your will, and our choices reflect your choices.  Help us to bring “every thought to the obedience of Christ”. Amen!