Four Fateful Days
by Dr. Glenn Mathews

There are four days in human history that are incomparable, inseparable and inevitable. Three of them are past, and the fourth is yet to come. The first is the day of the birth of Jesus.  We generally refer to it as Christmas. But, in truth, Christ has al-ways been the “anointed” of God. He is eternal. Christmas is the day we celebrate when Christ became flesh and was born of a virgin.

The second is the day of His death. He lay down his life for the sins of us all. Instead of casting blame on any group of people for the crucifixion of Christ, we should be praising God that “He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

The third day of course, is the day of His resurrection. What happened on the second day pays our sin debt. What happened on the third day gives us life!

The fourth day that is yet to come is His return for those who have made the right decision regarding the events of the first three days.

These four days are indeed incomparable. They are inseparable, for if any one of the first three had not happened, none of them would have had any eternal significance. The fourth day is inevitable. As surely as He came the first time, He is coming the
second time. There is no way to calculate the value of these four days. Both our identity and our eternity are determined by them. Thank God for them all!